The Barefoot Celebrant
Baby naming ceremonies
A naming ceremony is an extremely important rite of passage in any culture, firmly linking a child with its family and cultural background. It plays the role of affirming the arrival of a child as a welcomed and valued addition to both the close and wider community.
Non-religious ceremonies give children the opportunity to choose their own spiritual direction later in life.
People choose to have naming ceremonies for a variety of reasons:
To welcome the child into their family and community
To formally announce their chosen name, explain the meaning of the name, and its significance
To make sworn promises to nurture, support and educate the child so that they become an independent, contributing adult in society
To formally express the parents’ wishes for the child’s future
To nominate other significant adults to support the child and allow them to express their commitment to this special relationship
To blend two families so that a new family unit is created
To provide a non-religious alternative to a traditionally religious rite